# Installation

# Docker Installation

Recotem is based on Docker and we first need to install latest Docker.

For the instruction, please refer to Docker official page (opens new window).

# Start with recotem-docker

# Windows Instruction

  1. From the latest release page (opens new window) download a Zip file labelled "Docker resources to try out".

    recotem compose download page

  2. Extract the downloaded zip file recotem-compose-vx.y.z.zip.

  3. In the folder extracted in 2., there is a sub-directory named "recotem-compose", so navigate there. There should be files and sub-directories like this: recotem-compose content

  4. Double click on the file recotem-compose.

    • You may get a warning by Microsoft defender, but please select "Run" from "Details".
    • For the first time, it will take some time to download the required resources.


If the possible warning by Microsoft Defender in Step 4. is not acceptable, you can start recotem without warnings.

  • Launch e.g., Windows Power Shell and navigate to the directory described in Step 3. (where recotem-compose lies).
  • Run
      docker-compose.exe up

# Linux & MacOS Instruction

  1. From the latest release page (opens new window) download a Zip file labelled "Docker resources to try out".

    recotem compose download page

  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file recotem-compose-vx.y.z.zip.

  3. Using the terminal, move to the directory extracted in 2., and execute

docker-compose up

# Accessing Recotem's user interface

Go to http://localhost:8000 (opens new window). If you see a login view like the one below, you have successfully launched the application. You can now proceed to the tutorial.

initial login